On 2016-08-29 03:17 PM, Thomas Martitz wrote:
Am 29.08.2016 um 17:05 schrieb Jiří Techet:
There is also another aspect about the proposal that worries me: a plugin shall provide N features for M languages. And X plugins might be compete (not even considering the desire that plugins can build upon each other). This means (slightly exaggerated) that N*M*X possibilities have to be managed by Geany's conflict resolution. I don't want to implement that. It seems much simpler to me to collect tags from plugins, merge them (maybe throw out duplicates) and pass them to the actual feature code all within Geany.
In principle it's not that hard to manage, as mentioned in my "Proposed Design" message, Geany just needs to keep the providers in a list and the callbacks work like GTK/GDK callbacks (and some in Geany) where the callback's return value determines whether the next provider is called or not. In that message I attached a mockup of a kind of UI that could be used to allow users absolute control, and for Geany it's just a (set of) ordered lists.
What worries me is that we jumped from mere brainstorming to a relatively concrete proposal, without evaluating requirements or any other research. Or was this evaluation just invisible to me?
I evaluated and experimented with several different approaches and discussed various details with some of the main developers (including you) on IRC. Based on the way that in my opinion, as someone who has tried and failed to implement the needed features in the past, and as a Geany developer, I recommended a proposed design for further input. And here we are :)
As I asked in an earlier message, I'd be interested if you could provide some more concrete examples of what you were thinking with using TM, which would accomplish the goals mentioned in the Github Issue and fleshed-out more in the top of this thread.
Cheers, Matthew Brush