On 08/19/2011 05:26 PM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
I'm not saying it's not a good idea to use social-whatever way of doing it (though I hit on "social" for this but huh), I just want to say that it's not the only way it can be done efficiently.
Believe me, I'm not even using "social media" and such, I don't have any accounts on any of those websites. But we're talking about a community of people interacting around code here, so I think something supporting more "social coding" like GitHub does have some big advantages in this context.
I think we also should all read man gitworkflows :) (I still have to do so myself...)
Cool! I didn't even know of it. I will make sure to read it tonight. Also checkout the link I put in response to Lex's message.
Cheers, Matthew Brush