Most of the time, when using Geany, I don't need the menu and status bars; they are just noise. But occasionally I want to check the status bar (e.g. for the line/column number) or browse the menu. So I want to toggle their visibility with a keystroke.
I wrote a simple plugin for that: https://github.com/vfaronov/geany-togglebars
The problem is, the menu and status bars are not exposed in geany.main_widgets, so I have to find them manually, which makes the plugin brittle as it relies on a specific window layout.
Perhaps there is a better way to do it?
Perhaps the menu and status bars should be exposed in main_widgets?
Or perhaps this feature should be in Geany core? We already have keybindings for the sidebar and the messages pane. There is some discussion in issue #633, but I'm not sure what to make of it.