On Thu, 06 Nov 2008 11:29:44 +0200, Atanas Beloborodov nasko@cod3r.org wrote:
here is some fix`es in php snippetes file.
thanks, uploaded.
And i write something like php function, standart class and predefined constants summary with good comments, but i don`t know how to make Geany to parase and autocomplete this file,becouse i`m totatlly newbie in C and GTK...
Well, we already have something similar. See scripts/create_php_tags.php in the Geany source folder (SVN version only) or view it online at http://geany.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/geany/trunk/scripts/create_php_tags....
It fetches the PHP function list from the php.net and parses function names and signatures and writes it into a file to be parsed by Geany's tagmanager. Currently, no comments/descriptions can be used.
Regards, Enrico