On Sat, 10 Apr 2010 20:57:47 +1000, Lex wrote:
On 10 April 2010 18:37, Enzo Matrix enzo_01@abv.bg wrote:
Hello all,
i want to share one my ide about geany interface layout and if somebody be interests about it.
"Append toolbar to menu" is really nice option but i think that my idea can provide additional minimalism, the idea is simple, the toolbar can be moved in right of sidebar in top of the editor sheet in the same level as the tabs of the sidebar and adding one more combobox for current open files (this will recover tabs).
sorry for my bad english
Regards! Dimitrov Adrian
I'm not sure what you gain by removing the document tabs altogether.
I for one always want to know what I have open and having the tabs makes it visible without having to look in a hidden list.
But I also want the maximum vertical space so I have put the tabs to the left, modern widescreen displays have plenty of horizontal space so thats no problem.
For me its a feature that adds to the code without any added benefit so I'm not for it but I'm not heavily against it either.
Similar here. In detail: I think, Geany mainly targets at developers and I think developers usually don't develop on netbooks or other devices with especially small screens. At least I develop code at home at my 22" widescreen and at work at 17" dual screens. These are still too small but that's another story :).
Back to the topic,Adrian, you are right that currently, Geany is only of limited use on really small screens. Your proposal to move the toolbar next to the sidebar to get more vertical space sounds ok. Of course, it need to be optional as the others said. I'll try to work on this soon.
About the document list in the toolbar: as Thomas said, this is implemented in a similar way as part of the Addons plugins. The relevant part is called 'Document List' and adds an icon to the toolbar which shows a list of opened documents when clicked. It does not show the currently active document's filename. Though this could be added easily to the plugin.
Regards, Enrico