On Sun, 13 Dec 2009 08:06:25 +0100 Dominic Hopf dmaphy@googlemail.com wrote:
An example which explains this a bit better is the plugin I maintain: GeanyGDB. If a user installed this, it showed up as "Debugger". What a user actually would have expected is, that a new item showed up as "GeanyGDB". I fixed this with SVN revision 1075 of Geany-Plugins and I think there finally is no "debug" or "debugger" anymore which could confuse anyone. It all is either "geanygdb" (Unix name) or "GeanyGDB" (the actual plugin name) and I will continue this naming in that way.
I suggest to use small letters in begin of plugin name as geany is just a prefix. So s/GeanyGDB/geanyGDB.
Cuheers, Frank