On Sun, 5 Jul 2009 17:01:13 +0200 Enrico Tröger enrico.troeger@uvena.de wrote:
Or the other way round, I think it's doesn't really matter if you try to implement it in Geany or as a plugin. Taking the working code and port it into Geany from a plugin or port it from Geany into a plugin shouldn't be that hard at all.
I think I might start with a plugin, when I find some time. I have some ideas for added functionalities already. But I might bother you with some more questions here then ...:-)
Is the gedit snippet plugin so great then? Can it do what I tried to describe (work with selected text)?
No idea. I don't use Gedit :).
I played around a bit with it (didn't know that the snippet-plugin is actually included in the standard gedit-install). So, yes: It has some interesting snippet-functionalities. But it also showed some pretty weird behaviours (either bugs or I just didn't use it correctly) ...
Additionally, I doubt using the Gedit plugin with a possible future Python interface will work out of the box.
I also doubt that. The different editor-control for one should make quite a difference.
-- Mockey