On Sun, Dec 14, 2014 at 4:00 PM, Martin Andrews Martin.Andrews@redcatlabs.com wrote:
If people really love the name "ProjectTree" for the former GProject, I'd be happy enough (but for the pain of renaming a bunch of stuff...) to rename my plugin "ProjectOrganizer" or something that doesn't conflict.
ProjectOrganizer could actually be a nice name for my plugin as well since the plugin does some other things (so organizer = FilteredProjectFileTreeAndFileIndexerAndFileSearcherAndHeaderSourceSwapper). So if you like the ProjectTree name better for your plugin, just use it and I can go with the other.
All the Best Martin :-)
PS: Before I set off to write my own plugin, I looked carefully at the options out there, and GProject certainly does a lot. However, it didn't meet my basic requirement of being able to organize project files according to purpose - it (and others) wanted to always diagram files according to the file system layout (which is normally semi-predefined by a build tool).
This is something I did on purpose in my plugin because I made it primarily for big projects and it's almost impossible to manually organize thousands of files (and keep them organized while other team members add/remove/rename files). In my opinion, the file system is where the files should be organized properly and there shouldn't be any need to map one file tree to another.