On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 17:47:25 -0700 Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
On 08/25/2011 03:27 AM, Frank Lanitz wrote:
On Thu, 25 Aug 2011 15:51:24 +1000 Lex Trotmanelextr@gmail.com wrote:
Yes, with DVCS each plugin can have its own repository and the Geany project only needs to manage the aggregated build.
Yes, this was the outcome on IRC. So once a feature is ready/bug has been fixed a pull request is send to maintainer who is including them into his/her tree. Once this has been done a snapshot of that tree will be the release.
I disagree with this. I think using a workflow more like I linked to previously where people work from feature branches, and only merge to "devel" when the feature is complete (or bug fixed, etc) would be better. I just feel like limiting access *more* than before is a step backwards for the project.
IMO, it would be better to give people the benefit of the doubt, and if someone continually pushes broken builds and stuff to the "devel" branch, then revoke access and work on a pull-request system like you mentioned.
I do think there still is a place to have a maintainer, who will be the person who reverts changes made that break the build at will, without needing to ask other people for approval and who decides when it's necessary to revoke access.
I guess I understand your thinking behind, but to be honest I don't like the thought as it implies some kind of judge with punishment. I don't want to judge work of people as everybody is doing its best (given that I would be the one who play judge)
+1 for Frank for maintainer like this :)
Thanks ;)