Am 01.09.2009 21:48, schrieb André Hentschel:
First, let me introduce myself. I am André, 22, from Germany and got 8 years programming experience. I am coding for Wine since january and used Geany all the time for that. Now that Geany is a great tool i also want to help to improve it. While my work with Geany i found some behaviors, which i would like to be different. So i am willing to fix it. Thats what my patch is about: When i changed a file in Geany and made e.g. a git checkout or an other change with the file on disk, Geany asks me to reload(thats great so far). After i choose "no", as i want to keep my changes i made in Geany, i am not able to save the file immediatly after that. The save-button is grayed and i first have to do a little change in the file before i can save again. This patch fixes this by adding a preference for it. I already had some talk about the feature on IRC with Enrico already. As this is my first Geany-patch, i guess i made some mistakes against your guidlines, but i hope to get some feedback. PS: the last change in that diff removes a trailing space, as git doesnt like those.
Actually, this has been requested some month ago. It's actually implemented, although somewhat hidden. You can force file saving by hittin ctrl+s even if the save button is greyed out.
Best regards.