On 06/10/2010 09:59 AM, Jiří Techet wrote:
On Thu, Jun 10, 2010 at 18:36, Frank Lanitzfrank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
On Wed, 9 Jun 2010 21:40:59 +0200 Jiří Techettechet@gmail.com wrote:
Add .gitignore to eliminate the files we do not want to see in git
I don't see any need to add an .gitignore to the subversion repository and suggest to have this only locally.
I just find it a bit unfriendly to people who clone geany from the git repository. I think .gitignore isn't that big that it presence should worry SVN users much. Just my opinion.
Would you also add (and maintain) a .hgignore file? I use Mercurial, after all...
Sorry for the rhetoric question. :) I agree with Frank; this is a good suggestion for git users, but doesn't really belong upstream. Maybe if git becomes the official source control system at some point in the future.