I too think there should be a notification. But I think turning it of per-file (without touching the actual setting) is also good and the user will appreciate that.
Per file is a good idea.
Note that it would be turned off in the case symbol generation takes a long time, so it wouldn't go unnoticed if it's deactivated.
I'm always surprised what users can overlook, but if we notify them, it doesn't matter how unobservant they are :)
Colomban is right in trying to evaluate where Nicks problem is first, thats far more likely to be productive, this sort of thing is the last option not the first.
I agree.
Also Matthew's perceived slowness with lots of tags loaded needs checking, is it reloading them all the time (as Colomban seemed to suggest) or does the symbol table used by tagmanager have O(1), O(log), O(N) or worse performance.
Cheers Lex