On Wed, 15 Sep 2010 11:15:23 +1000 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com wrote:
As noted in another response, IAW Gnome HIG right click popups S/B context related things.
What does S/B mean?
- remove undo/redo/select all as they are not context related
Then are common editor popup menu commands though - gedit and Scite have them. nedit has undo/redo and mousepad has select all.
I'm not particularly opposed to removing them, just mentioning that some users will expect to see them there.
- let the user pick say four most used top level commands since we
are *never* going to agree on them. Use a simplified version of the customise toolbar dialog.
Personally I don't think it's worth doing this. Put the most useful things at toplevel, everything else in submenus.
- pack the rest in submenus.
format > format submenu as now
What about Commands - at least half of these are context related.
insert > insert submenu including the insert comments
I think at least me and Enrico use insert comments a lot, we'd like it to be toplevel. The other insert items could maybe be in a submenu (also insert alt whitespace). This would be like having Go to Tag Definition in toplevel but Go to Tag Declaration in a submenu as it's less common.
search > find items and as you say search selected goto > open file, goto line etc
Personally I would combine search and goto, that way we can share a GtkMenu widget between the search menu and popup menu. This is a good strategy because we don't have to maintain two separate menus if most items are needed in each.
Regards, Nick