Dear all This is a bit farfetched, but maybe it is possible. At the moment one may use custom font, font colour and background colour in the embedded VTE.
However, can the VTE be flexible enough to allow certain lines to have a different formatting? I am interested in selections 'sent to terminal': would it be feasible to have an option that would ensure, for example, that any 'selection sent to terminal' would be formatted in red colour in the VTE?
In case you were wondering I am still rambling on R usage. Some R editors provide custom formatting for inputs and outputs (usually red and blue, respectively) since it eases the recognition and scrolling of results. In Geany I'm using a bare bones console (which is great by me!) and I'm often missing at least some basic formatting. To give you a visual hint of what I'm seeking, I attach a shot from JGR, another from Rcmdr, and a third from Geany.
Thank you Liviu