nevermind...just used a strcpy...went just fine... i'll probably make decent advances now... cheers j
2009/5/8 Jimmy Paillet
Hi, I think i can express it clearly now.... this my GeanyLexerStyle:
typedef struct GeanyLexerStyle { gint foreground; /**< Foreground text colour, in @c 0xBBGGRR format. */ gint background; /**< Background text colour, in @c 0xBBGGRR format. */ gboolean bold; /**< Bold. */ gboolean italic; /**< Italic. */ gchar* font_perso; /** A font name*/ gint font_size; } GeanyLexerStyle;
in get_keyfile_style, this struct is filled (as least for c)... thanks to a gchar** list... pointing to the [styling] sections of
of course at the end of this function, list is free' my pointer font_perso points to crap outside the func...hence my pb... :D when I comment out the free statement, thinhs behave logically...
what do you reckon? free the list variable later on?
2009/5/8 Enrico Tröger
On Fri, 8 May 2009 18:26:15 +0200, Jimmy wrote:
functions...i'm facing pointer pbs, font name does not propagate properly through functions...
If you need help for a specific problem, just ask.'s probably silly, as i'm not an experienced C programmer...and didn't spend a lot of time on it... but as I told you, I expanded the GeanyLexerStyle structure....
in get_keyfile_style and get_key_file_hex my adds to the are properly read... and when i print out my new element of the struct it's either null or the fontname I've just entered in the file....
but when i try to access my new entry in a another function (such as set_sci_style), it has been obviously been written over by something
Hard to say without any code but it sounds like the char* pointer is either freed in between or it's a static string which is only valid within a function. Just create a diff of your current code and send it to the list or me or some paste bin or whatever.
Regards, Enrico
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