On 08/05/11 11:26, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:
On Thu, 04 Aug 2011 20:01:23 -0700 Matthew Brushmbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
I'm seeking ideas/advice for how I can implement keybindings for Python plugins[1]. [...] I'm at the design state right now, so if anyone has any ideas for how I should implement this, using either Geany's plugin API, PyGTK directly, or something else [...]
I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but geanyextrasel attaches itself to main window's key-press and defines it's own keys. Their priority is less than the keybindings of Geany IIRC. Hope that helps.
That's basically what I was trying to do in PyGTK, but I got caught up with having to handle completely arbitrary key combinations where geanyextrasel is looking for a specific modifier mask plus one? other key. It's probably easy to do this, but I haven't got it quite working yet.
I'm not too concerned that Geany's own (and other plugins') callbacks will run before the Python plugins' callbacks, as long as it's documented somewhere (at least until I send some patches to geany core to do what Lex suggested).
Cheers, Matthew Brush