On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 11:31:21 +0400 Eugene Arshinov earshinov@gmail.com wrote:
On Thu, 30 Jun 2011 08:02:48 +0200 Frank Lanitz frank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
Hi folks,
I saw that the SM-branch is merged with trunk on a regular basis, but not sure what's the current status of that branch. Can someone help me out there?
Cheers, Frank
Hi Frank.
Well, I periodically merge trunk into SM branch, because
- I use SM branch myself and, at the same time, I want to try new features which become available in Geany;
- the more often you perform the merge, the easier it is to resolve conflicts (which occur rather often because SM contains many
The status of the branch is a hard question :) This branch contains
- session management support;
- minor improvements in project handling etc.;
- some experiments like frequent saving of recent file list to the file, so that no recent files are lost when several Geany instances are running side by side.
- a better session management support is implemented by Dimitar (if a decision is made to include session management in Geany, I'd prefer this implementation to be chosen);
- experiments should not go to trunk in any case.
So, the only useful thing in SM branch is the minor improvements. Even if someone has time to discuss them and decide to include them in trunk, it may be rather hard to cleanly extract the necessary patches from SM so that they apply to trunk.
Well, not sure and just a thought. Would it be possible to extract the little improvements so they could be merged to trunk? Can you give a more detailed view on the et? What do the improvements include?
Cheers, Frank