On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 19:59:33 +0200, Enrico wrote:
On Sun, 19 Apr 2009 17:54:09 +0000, eht16@users.sourceforge.net wrote:
Hey all,
Revision: 3713 http://geany.svn.sourceforge.net/geany/?rev=3713&view=rev Author: eht16 Date: 2009-04-19 17:54:09 +0000 (Sun, 19 Apr 2009)
Log Message:
Hide the extra file open dialog options in an expander to make the dialog more compact by default and to provide more space for the file view. Remove the filename field as it is also provided by GTK itself with more features like auto-completion.
This commit changed the appearance of Geany's file open dialog. This was something which I liked to do for a long time, today I finally did it:
the extra options like the combo boxes for setting a specific filetype or encoding are now hidden by default and can be easily shown by clicking on the new expander "More Options" or by pressing Alt-M.
Sigh, I forgot to mention the rationale behind this change:
I think the now hidden options are not used that often usually and so hiding them in that way keeps it easy to show and use them but while hidden the file view gets more space to display the core information of the dialog, the files.
Regards, Enrico