On 2015-06-27 07:54 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
On 28 June 2015 at 12:40, Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
On 2015-06-27 12:46 PM, Dimitar Zhekov wrote:
An updated list of the API-s asked to remain public:
me WIF* lex spawn_get_program_name lex spawn_check_command me/lex spawn_kill_process spawn_async_with_pipes lex spawn_async me/lex spawn_with_callbacks me spawn_write_data lex? spawn_get_exit_status_cb lex spawn_sync
We should only export what you have concrete plans to use during the next cycle. If Lex wants update plugins during the next cycle to use other parts of the API, we can expose them at the time that the PR is made. No point to speculatively expose API that nobody has immediate plans to use.
If no API is available then nobody will have any plans so no API is needed so nobody will have any plans for the egg so no chicken is needed so ....
It can easily be made available on-demand, as normal.
We should only be concerned about what Scope is requesting as it has concrete plans to use them during the next development cycle and doesn't want the plugin to depend on the next development version of Geany during that time[0]. There's no reason to speculatively rush other APIs in if no plugins have immediate plans to use them nor have the concern about depending on the development version of Geany.
Cheers, Matthew Brush
[0]: Which IMO is a kind of tenuous reason since most people will use the version of Scope that their distro provides or from other releases, which for the most part means the next released version of Geany/GP anyway. I guess maybe some bleeding edge distros might package it in-between releases or something, though.