On Mon, 8 Jun 2009 13:40:44 +0100 Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btinternet.com wrote:
Yes, but I guess you would need one C plugin wrapper per python plugin to wrap the plugin symbols that Geany sets.
Oh, well - you might be right. Do you think it's possible to handle more than one plugin in one C file/module?
I don't think we want to support that.
Having thought a bit more, perhaps that would be necessary for proper Python plugins. But it would have to be an elegant and small impact change to plugins.c. It would be interesting to see how other projects do this.
How is this done with the lua interface?
You're probably thinking of the Lua Scripting Plugin, which is not an interface. You can try it from geany-plugins SVN if you want.
Basically the GeanyLua plugin wraps some Geany API functions and exposes these to Lua scripts. The scripts are run when a menu item is clicked, or a script is run in response to an event.
Regards, Nick