Sorry for reposting this message but i just realized i didn't include the "[PATCH]" prefix in the subject of my previous mail to this list, so the original text follows:
Hello all, i already searched for this feature, in case someone else was already working on it or if it simply was a bad idea to implement. For now, i haven't found anything nor something against it so i implemented this simple feature, that basically ensure no mixed line endings control characters (le-cc) will be saved in the document, patch is attached (i used the latest SVN head, 5089). Let me explain the use case: i'm currently working on a project where some of the files contains mixed line endings control characters, ie., some lines end with just CR, other with just LF: there is an easy way to convert everyone of these control charaters to something else via "Document->Set line endings->Convert and set ..." but this isn't something i always manage to remember to do and, better, i would like the editor to take care of that for me. So this patch add just that: in the "Preferences->Files->Saving files" dialog i added a checkbox and, if checked, the editor will always convert any le-cc to the one currently actively on the document via sci_get_eol_mode(doc->editor->sci). I also would like to propose a change in the way le-cc are presented to the user, but i'll do a new post eventually.
Regards, Manuel