On Sun, 07 Jun 2009 16:48:30 +0200 Jonas Haag jonas@jonashaag.de wrote:
Am 06.06.2009 13:52, schrieb Nick Treleaven:
It's a bit complicated. Geany doesn't have a shared library for plugins to link against, instead, Geany sets symbols like geany_functions in each plugin before initialization. Plugins use generated macros to call Geany functions.
So this is like "I create a plugin with C functions in it, register that plugin and geany calls that functions"?
I planned to write a wrapper in C that calls functions of a python module which handles all the other stuff (I'll try to avoid hacking in C as much as I can ;)). And the other way round, that python module should be able to call C functions of the wrapper which calls geany functions.
Yes, but I guess you would need one C plugin wrapper per python plugin to wrap the plugin symbols that Geany sets.
Should a plugin have access to variables, too, or can it do everything with functions?
See: http://www.geany.org/manual/reference/howto.html
Regards, Nick