On Sun, 1 Jan 2012 10:27:43 +1100 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com wrote:
Hi All,
Seasons greetings to all.
Since Gnome seems to have irretrievably broken X session management it does not seem likely that proper session management will be solved in the near term. Sadly this seems to waste all the good work that the guys put into the SM branch, thanks for the effort.
Aside from the exceptionally beautiful, absolutely powerful and unlimitely portable XSMP, which was never implemented properly by anyone except maybe the KDE4 guys, there's something called "legacy" X11 session protocol. It's OK, except that no "Save foo.c"? questions are allowed (this part of XSMP is implemented especially bad anyway).
The legacy protocol is supported by all major DE-s, and I think even the automatic builtin restart of gtk+ applications uses it.
See also: google: WM_SAVE_YOURSELF, nedit sources, my recent comment to http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3361963&group_id=153...