I was curious about the statistics for the Geany project so I hacked together some Python code to peel out some values from the SVN log. If anyone cares, the following are some of what I found:
Total commits: eht16: 2466 ntrel: 2182 frlan: 413 colombanw: 87 kretek: 74 elextr: 18 peterscholtens: 9 dmaphy: 8 clytie: 2
Total lines changed: ntrel: 6195 eht16: 4174 frlan: 455 colombanw: 326 kretek: 103 elextr: 34 dmaphy: 9 peterscholtens: 9 clytie: 4
Since the log doesn't attribute patch authors normally, I was going to try and parse the "Thanks, Foo bar" messages to get counts for read-only developers from the commit messages, but it's too much trouble. If anyone is curious, the word 'thanks' occurs 410 times in the log.
Anyway, I thought others might be interested to see these numbers, since I couldn't find them through SF/otherwise.
Happy Coding, Matthew Brush