On Thu, 15 Sep 2011 17:45:25 +0100 (BST) Nick Treleaven nick.treleaven@btopenworld.com wrote:
I've found a bug when changing a various pref setting in the prefs dialog, then cancelling the dialog without applying the changes. Next time the dialog is shown the edited values are still present.
Yes, for the integer values. We (me and Colomban) know, and discussed it on the patch tracker page. IIRC, it's a bug in the spin renderer - if you click outside the entry, it generates an editing done signal instead of editing cancelled. Fixing it required nasty hacking, and/or was dependent on the gtk+ version...
The other option is to use the text renderer for integers (as you can see, the statusbar_template is OK). As a side effect, the initial page creation will be about 20% faster. But we'll lose the cute arrows. :)