On 04/20/2010 10:45 AM, Colomban Wendling wrote:
Nick Treleaven a écrit :
On Tue, 20 Apr 2010 10:10:33 -0400 jordan phosphor@primus.ca wrote:
How does Monodevelop handle it's tag manager as unlike Anjuta and Geany the tags always point to the correct line?
IDEs reparse the tags from memory in idle time.
Yeah, but it means that they can. Then the question is: what Monodevelop use then to do so? An enhanced version of CTags, a completely other thing or what? (if nobody knows, I'll perhaps take a look at the code later)
Had a quick look and it looks to me like Monodevelop may use a temporary file with the current buffer. It does use CTags though, however the code for the most part is sparsely commented. However it looks as if it creates a new thread and ctags is run against the tmp file containing the buffer and then the output parsed.
looks like relevant files are in monodevelop-2.2.2/src/addins/CBinding/Parser.