Le 29/10/2011 14:25, Alexander Petukhov a écrit :
29.10.2011 14:22, Lex Trotman пишет:
you are right that any plugin packaged *separately* should indeed have "geany" in the package name but that doesn't affect directory names or plugin manager names
package names are packaging teams buisness, as they are already named with "geany-" prefix (at least *.deb ones) no changes for them except new folder names.
Yeah actually under Debian the plugin packages already have the "geany" prefix removed, but all starts with "geany-plugin-":
geany-plugin-addons geany-plugin-codenav geany-plugin-doc geany-plugin-extrasel geany-plugin-gdb geany-plugin-gendoc geany-plugin-insertnum geany-plugin-latex geany-plugin-lipsum geany-plugin-lua geany-plugin-prettyprinter geany-plugin-prj geany-plugin-sendmail geany-plugin-shiftcolumn geany-plugin-spellcheck geany-plugin-treebrowser geany-plugin-updatechecker geany-plugin-vc geany-plugin-webhelper
So I'd say "don't worry, it's already fine here" :)
Cheers, Colomban