Hello Lex,
As you say in your original email, Scintilla is a separate project. We try not to have a modified Scintilla since that implies patching and testing every time there is an update. So you should submit the Scintilla patches to that project at www.scintilla.org. If you feel that the Markdown lexing is buggy, that is also where you should discuss it.
thanks for your reply. I'll talk to the Scintilla folks then.
One other question: I assume you have good reasons for choosing Scintilla as the editor component, and generally it seems to be doing great. While looking into the syntax highlighting stuff though: I'm not convinced that Scintilla's approach of completely hard-coding the syntax hightlighting in C/++ is the way to go. I'm not an expert, but to me it seems that a syntax should be expressed in some specialized language (BNF? regexp? ...), which is either interpreted by the lexer engine or at least used as source to generate lexer code automatically. So, have you ever thought of replacing Scintilla's syntax highlighting code by your own? Before I came across Geany I used to use Kate, which uses such an approach. However, syntaxes for Kate are written in XML which imho isn't the right choice either...
I am not sure if the changes to the filetypes.markdown file affect only the math styles, if they don't you probably should discuss it first so we can see if other markdown users like or loath them.
I changed more than that, true, and I don't claim the colors I chose are necessarily the "best". However, in the original color scheme many aspects of Markdown syntax weren't distinguished at all – many things were just set to appear black on white like normal text. What's the use of syntax highlighting if it's invisible?
Cheers, Carsten