CodeAi (, an automated repair tool developed at QbitLogic (, suggested the following fix. Could I submit it as a patch if it looks alright?
plugins/saveactions.c: “doc->file_type” pointer might be dereferenced when null on line 283. Initialization may be provided by “doc” passed in as a function argument, but a null check would be prudent just in case. The fix checks “doc->file_type” for null before allowing a dereference on the following line. A snapshot of the bug report generated by CodeAi is attached. A full report is available upon request.
diff --git a/plugins/saveactions.c b/plugins/saveactions.c
@@ -280,8 +280,10 @@ static void instantsave_document_new_cb(GObject *obj, GeanyDocument *doc, gpoint
doc->file_name = new_filename;
- if (doc->file_type->id == GEANY_FILETYPES_NONE)
+ if(doc->file_type) {
+ if (doc->file_type->id == GEANY_FILETYPES_NONE)
document_set_filetype(doc, filetypes_lookup_by_name(instantsave_default_ft));
+ }
/* force saving the file to enable all the related actions(tab name, filetype, etc.) */
document_save_file(doc, TRUE);
/* force saving the file to enable all the related actions(tab name, filetype, etc.) */
document_save_file(doc, TRUE);
Base-commit: 84253714771f48dbc7fab02f7de43f253734dee2
Please let me know if you are interested in seeing more fixes from our tool. Thanks!