On Fri, 20 Jun 2008 14:58:20 -0000 (UTC) "Frank Lanitz" frank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
I'm using git-svn instead of svn for working with the geany-plugin repository. It combines the advantages of git (branching, fast, local copy of complete history) with the given svn repository. Because of this it feels like a normal git repository, but with the chance to commit to the central svn repository.
Cool, I didn't know about this, thanks.
only possible if you got the
|-Projekt A ||-trunk ||-tags | -branches structure. (Still needs some investigation of me ;) )
I'd prefer plugins didn't use this structure, as it's useful to checkout the whole of geany-plugins/trunk (particularly now Enrico's added his great waf build system), and if plugins did this you'd get a huge tree and it would take a longer time to checkout.
Regards, Nick