Hello, I have recently faced a problem when printing with Geany. The problem is that pages are printed with zero margin, which is obviously not good (line-endings get cut off, as most printers have printing area less than A4 paper width). If I remember correctly, in some old versions of GNOME we could specify printer margins via common GNOME printing dialog. However, now it seems impossible (see http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkPageSetupUnixDialog.html (http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/stable/GtkPageSetupUnixDialog.html) as an example) I tried playing with CUPS settings, but it seems they are ignored. So I decided to integrate the workaround into Geany. I have modified printing preferences and "Document settings" tab in printing dialog, so users are now able to specify custom printer margins for all 4 sides in all kinds of GtkUnit. The default behaviour was left unchanged - the setting is simply ignored. Please consider the patch attached and let me know if that was useful