I took a look at the tagmanager in an attempt to make it work in-memory, since it is not yet completely the case. I found why and how to fix the (C?) function arguments (attached patch), and it seems to work pretty well for C (and Python and PHP, though I did only a few tests with them).
For now the only defect I saw (with C) is with anonymous enumerations and so (that are named anon_enum_NUM) with which the NUM increases at each re-parsing (I use document_update_tag_list(doc, TRUE) to re-parse); but I suppose it wouldn't it too difficult to fix, would it?.
Then, I would like to know what else didn't work, what need to be fixed, etc.; because I'd really love to have it working.
Enrico Tröger wrote: (on thread Function Definition)
Some time ago, I started working on this but it never really worked and additionally, it could work currently only for a few parsers (some of those are C, Fortran, SQL IIRC). To get it working reliably, some more work is needed and we would have to adjust *all* existing parsers which is by no means an easy task.
Do you know which parsers would *not* work? And hum, if each and every parser must care about buffer VS file, wouldn't it be good to abstract this a little more? (with e.g. a little I/O layer - I already started a small library to check if it would be easy to emulate file I/O on buffer, and it seems not to be too hard)
Regards, Colomban