On 11/09/2015 07:31 PM, Lex Trotman wrote:
Geany Dev Team:
Thank you Lex Trotman and Matthew Brush for your time, effort, and insightful feedback.
Thanks Matthew for the QML link; I greatly appreciate it. I added the code to my system. Could we add this to the mainstream Geany? True, QtCreator may have better support, but some people prefer Geany over all IDEs (including me).
Is there a lexer that works *right* and/or a parser that works *right* for QML? If there are no parsers or lexers adding a filetype is pretty much a waste of time.
Okay. I just thought I could at least suggest FASTA. To me, it seems like a good idea, although very odd and unusual for a programming IDE. Sometimes, I like to make wild ideas because such ideas may become a "brilliant idea". However, I understand the team's viewpoint.
True, one of Geany's best features is that it is fast and light-weight. However, are there any benchmarks that indicate a significant performance drop when adding many file-extensions and file-types?
Adding extensions doesn't have a material cost, except that *the filetype has to work* or it brings bug reports. Adding filetypes has some cost, particularly in the support of the filetype when Geany devs don't know the language.
Perhaps, a "plugin" could be made that has support for extra and "weird" file-extensions and file-types. Could Geany be modified to also look for a "filetypes_extension_extra.conf" file that would contain such file-extensions?
No point, all the extensions have to be loaded so Geany can check for the extension of the file being opened to select the filetype (assuming no magic incantations are present).
For instance, an additional package could be made that contains "filetypes_extension_extra.conf" and various filetypes.*.conf files. If the user downloads and installs this package, Geany will see "filetypes_extension_extra.conf" and merge the contents to "filetypes_extension.conf" and load the related filetypes.*.conf files.
Packaging is not something Geany does, thats the distro's job.
What you could do is add custom filetypes that use existing lexers and parsers to the wiki http://wiki.geany.org/filetype?do=showtag&tag=filetype. That makes them available to others.
NOTE if a page already exists, add yours as another, do NOT overwrite someone elses page, it will get yours reverted when it is noticed.
a feature may help us with development. For instance, we could use such a feature for testing proposed file and language support and provide "backported" and unstable file-extension support. As a specific example, the Manpage file-extensions I proposed could be added to such a package until Scintilla adds highlighting support for Manpages. Do you understand what I am saying? Would this be a possible idea to consider?
I don't think people should be editing manpage formats these days, they should be using one of the lightweight markups that compile to manpages. There has not been a huge demand for editing manpages that I'm aware of. Again I emphasise that just adding filetypes brings a support cost that detracts from other efforts.
Will Not Add
These are ideas that I will not add after hearing the team's viewpoints and after I have reconsidered and pros and cons.
- *.ll: Good point, Matthew and Lex.
- Python: Okay, I will not worry about the suggested extensions.
- *.r: Thank you, Matthew, for pointing that out. I knew that R used the
"*.R" extension, but I was unaware of "*.r".
- XNA: I do not know XNA very well neither do I personally care about XNA. I
just wanted to ensure that Geany supports XNA for those that do like XNA. However, since XNA is discontinued and I cannot find the specification, I will not add XNA. Unless, in the future, support is desirable.
- Java Bytecode - I did more research, and I feel that this idea can be
Lex, I assume you are joking about removing "XML=", right? In my opinion, XML support in Geany is a "must".
Oh I suppose so ;)
Will Add Soon
These are ideas that I feel are beneficial and that the team approves.
- Add "*.f15;*.F15;" to "Fortran="
*.f15 = Fortran 2015 I do not know Fortran, but if highlighting does not work well with Fortran 2015, perhaps it will when Scintilla adds updates for this new Fortran standard http://fortranwiki.org/fortran/show/File+extensions
- Add "*.xaml;" to "XML="
XAML (Extensible Application Markup Language) This is a markup-language made by Microsoft XAML is used in .NET Framework 3 and 4 Mimetype = application/xaml+xml https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extensible_Application_Markup_Language https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc295302.aspx https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/System.Windows.Markup.aspx
Again havn't seen the demand.
- Adding "*.ii;" to "C++="
*.ii - C++ source code which should not be preprocessed http://labor-liber.org/en/gnu-linux/development/extensions
May Add/Consider
These are ideas that I may reconsider, or I would like to hear your further thoughts.
- *.s: True, the ASM lexer does not support AT&T syntax. However, if Geany
recognizes the file-type, then the Assembly tools listed in the "Build" menu are available.
Are these assemblers the same command as that provided by the filetype?
- *.i: *.i and *.ii are different. "i" is for C, and "ii" is for C++
Yes, but g++ still accepts and reads .i files as C++.
- *.sed and *.awk: Sed and Awk are commonly used on Unixoid (Unix systems
and Unix-like systems) systems. Are you sure that this idea should be dropped?
Do you have a working lexer or parser?
Additional Comments
By the way, I would like to thank everyone in the Geany Dev Team for their time, effort, and support. I am also thankful for being a part of the team.
What must I do to earn a spot under "Contributors" in Geany's "Credits" tab of the "About" window?
I thought it was scraped from the commits, but I may be wrong.
-- Thanks, Devyn Collier Johnson DevynCJohnson@Gmail.com
Devel mailing list Devel@lists.geany.org https://lists.geany.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devel
Devel mailing list Devel@lists.geany.org https://lists.geany.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/devel
Geany Dev Team:
Thanks again, Lex Trotman, for your feedback.
When I was referring to "packages" when discussing "filetypes_extension_extra.conf", I did not mean files like *.deb. I mean "package" as in a general file containing multiple files. In other words, I meant that Geany.org could have a Tarball available for download that contains additional file-extensions. True, I should have explained my idea more clearly.
I have not tested *.sed and *.awk, yet. Everything listed under "May Consider" are ideas I thought about, but have not yet coded or tested. I wanted to get the team's thoughts before I put time into testing and coding an idea that the team may consider a definite "no". Anything listed under "Will Add Soon", "Will Add", and similar headers are file-types I have either tested or I am currently using. So, to rephrase the question about *.sed and *.awk, if I were to find a parser and lexer that works, would *.sed and *.awk be considerable?
As far as *.ii is concerned, I will wait until standards change or if Geany gains support for headers that may be C or C++ implicitly. (NOTE: For instance, *.h++ and *.hpp are explicitly C++ headers)
I will be sure to try to be more clear with my proposals.
-- Thanks, Devyn Collier Johnson DevynCJohnson@Gmail.com