On Sat, 21 Aug 2010 01:32:21 -0500, Oliver wrote:
Hopefully someone will correct me if wrong. To work with autotools under windows, you need MSYS. I have never had any luck building anything with MSYS, even after googling and reading the instructions. It seems the default plugins that ship with Geany are built when running ming32-make -f makefile.w32.
Nope, all the binaries built by me (those from download.geany.org) are built using Waf.
On 8/20/2010 9:54 AM, Johann SAUNIER wrote:
Ok, it's working with waf. I had to deal with files copying from geany's build to some direcories in my PATH and other stuff but it works great.
You can use 'python waf install', this will install the Geany files in the correct directory structure into 'geany-0.19.1' within the top source directory. Same for geany-plugins.
Regards, Enrico