On Thu, 23 Feb 2012 11:48:41 +1100 Lex Trotman elextr@gmail.com wrote:
On 23 February 2012 01:13, Colomban Wendling lists.ban@herbesfolles.org wrote:
Le 21/02/2012 05:15, Lex Trotman a écrit :
In another thread http://lists.uvena.de/geany/2012-February/007808.html a couple of things were mentioned about guidelines for plugins to be good citizens. So I thought it worthwhile gathering any suggestions so the docs could be updated in one go.
Items mentioned to date:
- don't set default keybindings, users will be annoyed if you
override their personal bindings. Always let the user tell the plugin what to use.
I'm not convinced that saying "not set default" is the best solution to the conflict problem. Couldn't Geany simply not override an already existent keybinding when installing a plugin's one?
Thats possible, but does Geany know that it is a plugin setting the keybinding?
Not really.
If we can do it, might it not also cause user confusion when keybindings are not applied? What about when adding several plugins some of which clash in keybindings?
Yepp. This is the issue I'm seeing.
There would have to be some sort of notification (I guess by plugin manager?) and that in itself is also probably annoying.
And even if the plugin didn't have a default shortcut, I guess if the user set one and the plugin saved it, then the user unloaded the plugin, set the same keybinding somewhere else and then re-loaded the plugin you still get a clash so detecting it and notifying the user is needed in any case.
As a conclusion based on your questions: I'm stronger in my point: Noncore Plugins should not set default keybindings in about 99.9% of cases.
Cheers, Frank