Greetings, Sorry if this has been asked in the past. I've attempted to find similar topics in the list archive. But to no avail. The link on Geany's MailingList page (http://news.gmane.org/gmane.editors.geany.devel) to search the archives returns 404. So my question is; are there any issues building on OSX? I'm currently maintaining over 100 ports on FreeBSD, and use Geany for most of my work, but have recently taken an interest in OSX, and now feel handicapped without it (Geany). While I see that you provide a link to an OSX dmg image for OSX, It's 64bit only, and is limited to
10.7 or greater. What I'd like to do, is create a universal binary that coveres the whole gambit (10.*). So I guess my question is;
- Does Geany compile on OSX out of the box?
- If not, is there already any work on this I might expand on, rather than re-invent the wheel?
FWIW I evaluated MacPorts, but found it less than ideal, and upon further evaluation, found HomeBrew a better candidate.
Have to leave those detailed questiosn for the OSX maintainer.
On gmane, its front page says:
"We're going through a complete rebuild, so some things are very broken. Please see our blog at http://home.gmane.org/ for news."
and most of the editors pages are broken ATM.
We had this topic already about a year ago: http://devel.geany.narkive.com/niAqeADi/geany-devel-searchable-email-archive...
but didn't do anything. I see a few options:
a) do nothing and hope Gmane will come back by itself b) switch the search boxes on the website to Narkive c) find another cool mailing list archive provider which we all love d) do not provide any search box on the website but instead something like "search the net with your favorite search provider"
(I do not want to integrate a Google search on the website.)
Regards, Enrico