Am Samstag, den 18.07.2009, 09:20 +0200 schrieb Prim András:
Frank Lanitz írta:
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 23:12:00 +0200 Jonas Haag wrote:
Prim Andrá wrote:
I wrote a plugin that embraces the selection in configurable text.
I don't get what it does.
To be honest, me neither. Can you please go into detail with an example maybe?
Yes, of course. (It seems I'd have to avoid writing letters at midnight. :)
So it adds a new toolbar as seen in the screenshot
When I write my HTML and want a word to be bold, then I select it, press the italic button on the toolbar and it will add "<i>" before and "</i>" after the selection.
Furthermore it is possible to configure it, so that when one presses the image button, it pops a dialog as seen in the screenshot, where one can choose a file with a file chooser dialog, write a label, pick an alignment from the predefined list and write a class name, or choose one that is used earlier. And when pressing OK it will add a nice <img /> tag with the appropriate attributes filled in.
I'm just working on a project in HTML where to get lot's of <li>'s around lines of text. Well, it's around ten lines, but it's a very good use case for your embrace plugin. Of course there are alternate ways, like maybe Search & Replace or lua scripts or mini scripts or anything else, but I instantly got your embrace plugin in mind. :)
Just as a suggestion: Since there already are two more menu items about HTML editing - at least for me - in the Tools menu ("Insert Special HTML Characters" and "HTML Replacement") it maybe would be nice idea to have a more general plugin for HTML and website editing where these functions are merged into one plugin. What do you guys think about this?
Regards, Dominic