On Fri, 01 Mar 2013 21:43:13 -0800 Matthew Brush mbrush@codebrainz.ca wrote:
I'd rather see a plugin _similar_ to MultiTerm providing a multi-tabbed terminal (but in C) as a core Geany plugin if it could provide the old features. The user experience would be the same or better[1] and we could get rid of all dependencies on VTE in core[2] and generally clean up all kinds of compile/run time checks and VTE-related code necessarily mixed about Geany's code currently.
Great minds think alike. :) However, as Colomban stated, making it a core plugin means that it will be a compile-time option for the whole Geany package, which is no different from making it a compile-time-only option for Geany itself.
±1? Thoughts? comments?
IMO, the visual Terminal prefs, "Override Geany keybindings" and "Disable menu shortcut key" should remain in Geany (and probably be moved into Glade), since there are other plugins using VTE.
Anyone want to work on it?
Yes, but I have something to complete, and then more work on Scope...
If anyone shows enthusiasm I could start a wiki page giving a bit of a "plan of attack" in case people want to help out and to collect ideas. I'm moderately interested in working on this myself in the near future[3], and also possibly extending it to include a Windows "Command Prompt"-like alternative using Win32 console API.
Will there be enough problems to warrant a page? We should discuss the Execute commands and the ability for a plugin to register widgets as "Override Geany keybindings" / "Disable menu shortcut key" (whichever are set), and that's all. The buildin VTE is actually < 1000 lines with the dlopen stuff.