On 04/07/2013 04:32, Thrawn wrote:
There are several actions available that have no keybindings, but have logical candidates available.
For example: Preferences is Ctrl+Alt+P, so it would make sense for Plugin Preferences to be Ctrl+Shift+Alt+P.
Other possible candidates:
- Select to previous word part: Ctrl+Shift+Slash (Go to Previous Word Part defaults to Ctrl+Slash)
- Select to next word part: Ctrl+Shift+Backslash
I think those are difficult to trap because they will produce different key codes depending on the keyboard layout.
- Toggle All Additional Widgets: Shift+F11 or Ctrl+F11 (Fullscreen mode is F11)
Sounds OK.
- Find Next Selection: Ctrl+Alt+g or Ctrl+Alt+F
- Find Previous Selection: Ctrl+Shift+Alt+g or Ctrl+Shift+Alt+F
Anyone's thoughts on this?
I think Ctrl+Alt bindings can conflict with window managers, e.g. ctrl-alt-d is 'Show desktop' on Gnome. I know we already have ctrl-alt-p and maybe others though, but it's not ideal.