Hi, I propose we add a new menubar Search submenu which is also shown in the popup editor menu. This would be similar to what we do for the Edit submenu items Format and Commands.
1. We can help new users to find all the various keybinding commands grouped into logical submenus. 2. We keep the popup editor menu smaller (but make it easy for upgrading users to find the old Find Document Usage and Go to Tag Declaration items [which are currently in the Search menubar]). 3. We keep the menubar Search menu smaller than current HEAD. 4. Sharing the submenu means we only need one actual GtkMenu widget (this is already done for the Edit submenus).
The new submenu would have both Find Usage items and both Go to Tag items (even though one of each are shown in the toplevel popup menu for speed).
Logically, probably the Search->Find Selected items should be moved to the submenu also.
There are also Go to Marker commands in the Edit->Commands menu which would fit better in the new submenu, and other 'Go to' keybindings which don't have menu items.
Regards, Nick