Le 10/08/2016 à 23:58, Abel a écrit :
I'd like to use ESLint http://eslint.org inside Geany. I've seen many integrations with differents editors in their website. Are you aware of any current implementation for this lint or any similar? Do you think that it would be possible to integrate it with Geany (as a plugin of course)? How much effort would it need? And, the final question, which languages did Geany support to develop plugins again?
If it provides a command-line interface (which it seems), you likely can call it as a build command (see the manual). Using a linter as a build command is very easy: just configure the build command appropriately. There already are a few filtypes that come with a linter configured -- including JavaScript, using jshint -- so you can base yours on that.
Complexity for making it a plugin (so potentially getting more 'live' feedback) will highly depend on whether that thing has an API, and how it works. Also, for the moment you pretty much need to write Geany plugins in C or C++, although Thomas' Peasy plugin [1] adds support for several languages (include JS I'd believe), and it's getting closer to stability.
But no, I'm not aware of anyone having already written something with this eslint thing.
Cheers, Colomban