I wanted to move my geany-multiterm[1] plugin into the Geany-Plugins repository and continue development there, but I need help with some things. It's written in Vala[2] using the Geany binding[3] Colomban wrote.
My questions are:
Is there a maintainer mode or something that can be use to only activate Vala support in Autotools if this plugin is selected to build? Should this go into `build/multiterm.m4`?
Should the .c/.h files that valac compiles be checked into the VCS so that people without valac compiler can still compile the plugin?
How to make it work with Waf?
(Mostly for Colomban) How should the geany.vapi/.deps be distributed? If I make it install into the normal location I guess it will conflict with the "official" binding, but then again AFAIK the "official" one isn't really distributed, it just lives in a Gitorious repo[3], so I can't really depend on it (or can I?). Could we move the "official" Vala binding to Geany-Plugins project as well so that it is released with GP and other plugins can depend on it being there?
Cheers, Matthew Brush
[1] https://github.com/codebrainz/geany-multiterm [2] https://live.gnome.org/Vala [3] http://gitorious.org/geany-vala-binding