Dear Geany developpers,
Sorry to not append this reply on the last mail of the thread, I was subscribed in digest mode until today. I will now be able to properly reply in-thread.
After your previous replies on this thread, I created a github account (and re-discovered I had one already:) so I had easily pushed a pull request directly on github. I think it will be easier for everyone to use this tool.
I personally only tested geanyprj plugin as a simple project manager. I don't know about gproject or others but I will have a look at them. The feature I like most in geanyprj is the ability to open and switch between projects by simply opening or showing a file of any project.
Thanks for you great job and availability, Best regards Anthony
On Sat, Nov 8, 2014 at 1:01 AM, Anthony Loiseau wrote:
Dear all,
I "forked" geany-plugin git repository in bitbucket to work on geanyprj plugin and add it filtering capability in the project file listing. As an example, with this contribution one is able to fast-find unit-test makefile by typing "unit test make" in a new filter input box or directly when file listing is focused.
I appears that github does not offers to create pull requests from such forks. Which procedure do you like contributors to follow in such case? Should I create a github account and push on it?
Note: my fork is available through this link:
Best regards. Anthony Loiseau