Am 18.05.2011 14:26, schrieb Randy Kramer:
Lex and I have had a little bit of off-line conversation about his document, the Build System User Guide. He suggested that I put it on the wiki.
I made a feeble attempt, and now recommend instead that, at least on a temporary basis, it be put on the website with one or more links from the wiki to the document. This is because:
- the document is a fully formed, standalone HTML document
- and, in that form, is not directly "pastable" into the wiki
Instead, unless I'm missing something, it would have to be copied and pasted in as plain text, and then marked up with DokuWiki markup.
The sourcecode of this document looks pretty much like generated code.
<meta name="generator" content="AsciiDoc 8.6.4" />
Maybe Lex could use the original and put it into wiki as I don't think having another standalone document is making much sense when we already started to have a wiki as storing such things was the intention behind IIRC.
cheers, Frank