On Wed, 29 Apr 2009 12:06:31 +1200, Joshua wrote:
I hope I'm not posting this on the wrong list.
it's fine here, welcome.
I'm trying to build Geany on Windows Vista, following the Windows build instructions at: http://www.geany.org/Support/BuildingOnWin32
Even after adding a localwin32.mk file and changing the PREFIX as suggested, I still get lregex.c:22:18: glib.h: No such file or directory when compiling through the MSYS shell. If I used the standard command prompt, there's the makefiles would balk on the missing 'make' command.
I never used the MSYS shell, I always use cmd.exe. If your gcc.exe is in your path, mingw32-make.exe should be as well and then something like
mingw32-make.exe -f makefile-win32
should work. To make things a bit more comfortable, on my test VM I renamed mingw32-make.exe to make.exe and created a Makefile in the Geany source directory which includes makefile.win32, so I can just type:
and it works.
As per the instructions, I've downloaded all the required libs to "C: \libs" and added that to my environment variables. I grabbed the Geany source (trunk) using Tortoise SVN
Am I missing something here regarding compiling using makefiles?
PS: when grabbing the dependencies, http://www.gimp.org/~tml/gimp/win32/downloads.html no longer lists the required ones, but points to http://ftp.gnome.org/pub/gnome/binaries/win32/dependencies/ instead
Thanks, I updated http://www.geany.org/Support/BuildingOnWin32 and also removed mentioning the GTK 2.6 package versions as this is very outdated since we depend on GTK 2.8. The easiest way is to use the new GTK bundle which is kindly offered on www.gtk.org.
Regards, Enrico