giuliano manzitti schrieb:
Sorry to u...but i don't understand a thing relatives to comment. In geany there are 2 ways to comment a row/s.
- Simply select a row/s and press the Ctrl-E key;
This is the result:
for (k = 0; k < N; k++) //~ for (k = 0; k < N; k++) x_sol[nprocs * N + k] = vect_xs[k]; -------> //~ x_sol[nprocs * N + k] = vect_xs[k]; stop_t = MPI_Wtime(); // stop_t = MPI_Wtime(); /* ferma il timer */
- Simply select a row/s, click with the right button of the mouse and
select Format ----> Comment row; This is the result:
for (k = 0; k < N; k++) //for (k = 0; k < N; k++) x_sol[nprocs * N + k] = vect_xs[k]; -------> // x_sol[nprocs * N + k] = vect_xs[k]; stop_t = MPI_Wtime(); //stop_t = MPI_Wtime(); /* ferma il timer */
Sorry but for me this 2 different ways of set the comments it's not correct. Or not???? Bye...
That seems fine to me. The ~ is appended after the // so that you can uncomment that with the same keystroke. Uncommenting doesn't work for comments without that ~.
Both are comments and are ignored by the compiler/interpreter, so what after the // comes doesn't matter.
Best regards.