This is the $subject.
To preserve the status bar speed, I used only g_string_append(), as in the current code, instead of utils_string_replace_all(). There are more _append calls, but that can't be avoided.
The format speifiers are:
%l current line %c current column %n number of lines %s selected chars %w write mode: "RO ", "INS" or "OVR" %t tab mode: "TAB", "SP" or "T/S" %m eoln mode %e encoding %b byte order mark: "(with BOM)" or nothing %f file type %* "MOD" or nothing %a active scope %_ separator: 6 spaces %o current column, 1-based (alternative of %c) %r readonly mode: "RO " or nothing (alternative of %w)
Percent and any other character = that character (including %% = % and %<zero> = nothing).
The default status line is:
"line: %l / %n\t col: %c\t sel: %s\t %w%_%t%_mode: %m%_encoding: %e %_filetype: %f%_%*%_scope: %a"
I was thinking about %1..9 to set the number of spaces for %_, but that seems too much...