Le 28/10/2010 18:47, Colomban Wendling a écrit :
Le 28/10/2010 18:08, Nick Treleaven a écrit :
Hi, I just tried running ./autogen.sh and got this:
checking for GIO... configure: error: Package requirements (gio-2.0) were not met:
No package 'gio-2.0' found ... make[1]: *** [config.status] Error 1
I think this may be due to build/treebrowser.m4 not disabling itself if GIO is not found.
Hum, right. It seems that if the ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND of PKG_CHECK_MODULES is provided but empty, it still does the default action... Because this dependency isn't necessary.
Anyway, I had a patch to make the build of treebrowser conditional, but wasn't applied yet (AFAICT, Adrian didn't understood the changes enough to make a decision -- and I wouldn't certainly blame him for this, it's quite complicated ATM...). Just needed to update it a bit, so here it is. It includes the fix not to strongly depend on GIO (just put stuff as the ACTION-IF-NOT-FOUND arg, here a notification). If you (Adrian, Nick, whoverer) don't like the full the conditional build, you can just take this part (or I can provide a patch).
woops, the patch for real now.