I agree with Frank, I hate unecessary full quotes.
On 13.03.2011 03:43, Lex Trotman wrote:
Hi all,
I'd like to add a couple of points to Franks excellent comments
On 13 March 2011 05:18, Frank Lanitzfrank@frank.uvena.de wrote:
Hi guys,
Please give me the chance to point to the world famous usenet quoting howto at http://www.netmeister.org/news/learn2quote.html We are here at an mailing list, but most of the rules apply here also.
This howto is very worthwhile, but one of the problems with this, and many other lists, is that many people don't read the whole thread, so if you cut all the old content out you are forcing them to reply without all the background. Of course leaving all the content in makes the mailing much larger and its harder to find the new content. To combat this learn to use your mailers quoted text hiding features, and if it doesn't have them, switch to one that does.
That assumes that I read all through the full quotes. That's of course not the case because I would be reading the same stuff a dozen times. I try to ignore them (reading only the actual bits that people are replying to), but that means I painfully need to search for new content.
IMO it's up to the reader to make sure he's got all background.
Your mails are particularly hard to read, sorry Lex.
Best regards.