Le 23/04/2014 20:58, Pavel Roschin a écrit :
There are some inconveniences in current plugin manager window:
- plugin description is too long and is hard to read because of window width
Indeed. It used to be presented otherwise, not sure why it ended up like this, but it's clearly not optimal.
- too many actions user need to perform to get access to plugin settings
Is that so? this means *one* more click.
- no plugin search feature
That don't seem required to be, but could indeed be handy with the growing number of plugins. Should be fairly easy to add, minus good matching.
- too many windows: settings - window, keybindings - window, help - window
Settings window, keybindings with all others, help is most of the time opening externally (either website or local HTML help file).
I tried to make some sort of concept of plugin manager interface design. Maybe you will find it interesting: http://pbrd.co/1jBUM4f
Alternative (move description to bottom): http://pbrd.co/1jBUOJh
Both look terribly ugly and not particularly practical to me. I'd rather see something simple and clean like everyone else do it (look at e.g. GEdit or GeanyPy).
I offer:
- add search field
- remove unnecessary labels
OK, filename is not terribly useful to most people, could be moved in a tooltip or something.
- remove plugin description from list
Again, I'd rather put it in, just better presented
- show plugin description as tooltip or show it in status bar
Too important to be hidden I think
- show plugin settings immediately
Why? Most plugins just works, and it's definitely not the first thing you need to touch. Also, clicking *one* button don't seem so hard to me.
- show plugin keybindings as tab where user can check keybindings _only_ for this plugin
Could be a little better maybe, although with the new in-dialog button it doesn't seem so bad already.
- show help as a tab (of course there should be API for help window with rich text, maybe show readme)
Again, I don't particularly like the "all embedded, fat dialog" design, and again, most of the plugins simply want to display a web page. And no, we won't depend on a web rendering engine for this, sorry.
Any suggestions?
Do something simple, not Eclipse.
PS: sorry for perhaps sounding harsh, but I had to answer quickly now Lex almost made you lose some of your time implementing before talking :)